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Chapter 1: Crop Production and Management

(a) The cultivation of a single variety of plants at a place on a big scale in terms of area are known as ________________.
(b)  The seeds that are damaged will _________on upper portion of the water.
(c)  Sufficient ______,________ and ____________in the soil is required for the growth of a crop.
(d)  __________________of the soil is the first step before growing crops.

  1. a) Crops
  2. b) Float
  3. c) Sunlight, water and nutrients
  4. d) Preparation

                 A                                                                         B

(a) Organic manure                                           (a)   urea and super phosphate
(b) kharif crops                                                    (b)    pea ,wheat , gram ,
(c) chemical fertilizers                                      (c)  food for cattle
(d) rabi crops                                                        (d)  food and plant waste, cow dung  and urine
                                                                                     (e)   maize and paddy

Answers :

A                                                                               B

(a)          Organic manure                                               (d) food and plant waste, cow dung  and urine
(b)          Kharif crops                                                      (e)   maize and paddy
(c)           chemical fertilizers                                         (a)   urea and super phosphate
(d)          rabi crops                                                          (b)  wheat , gram , pea

  1. Explain the below-given terms.

(a)          Soil preparation
(b)          Threshing
(c)           Sowing
(d)          Weeding

(a)          Soil preparation :
The basic step before the cultivation of a crop is the preparation of the soil. It involves loosening the soil resulting in deeper penetration. This process increases the growth of several microbial organisms, earthworms etc, which enrich the soil with humus and other essential nutrients of the soil. Tilling of soil brings the rich nutrients of the soil to the top surface. Basically, plants require nutrients for their proper growth and functioning. The process of loosening the soil is called tilling or ploughing the soil. Ploughing takes place with the help of a bull and an appropriate equipment. This helps the plants to utilize completely,the nutrients obtained for their growth.

(b)          Threshing :
It is the process of separating the grains or seeds from chaff. This process takes place after the harvesting of the crop. It generally takes place in a  machine known as ‘Combine’. This machine is a combination of both harvester and thresher. It cleans the harvested grains before our usage.

(c)           Sowing :
Sowing is an important process in the production of crops. The process of placing the seed in the soil for the growth of the plants is sowing. The seed selection is important for better growth of the plant. The net production of the crop (i.e) yield is improved through sowing. It is done traditionally by a tool or a seed drill. The tool is funnel shaped which was used traditionally for seed sowing in the soil. Nowadays, seed sowing is done through a tractor (ie)  by the usage of seed drills. The seed is dispersed uniformly in the soil through this tool and seeds sown at  a particular depth. This new method of sowing is time-saving and also ensures seed protection from the birds.

(d)            Weeding:
Unwanted plants that grow together with the main crops are called as weeds. The process of removing (or) disposing of these weeds is said to be weeding. E.g  Xanthium, Parthenium. Weeds grow along with the crops competing with them for light and good nutrients.  Due to this, the main crop plants gets fewer nutrients, light and space for their growth. (ie) the total nutrient is shared among the unwanted weeds. This reduces the yield of the crop. Various methods of weeding are carried out. The commonly carried out methods of weeding are as follows:
(I)           The weeds can be completely controlled by the usage of weedicides which is a powerful chemical sprayed on the crops in the fields to destroy all the unwanted weeds. This chemical is not toxic to the crops.
(II)          The tilling process that takes place before the sowing of crops helps in the removal of unwanted weeds. It is good to remove the weeds before the production of flowers and the seeds.
(III)         Removal of weeds manually takes place through khurpi which involves regular cutting of weeds or uprooting weeds which are closer to the ground.

  1. Define irrigation and the methods carried out in irrigation.
The process of supplying water to the main crops at alternate intervals of time is called irrigation. The time limit and frequency of Irrigation differs according to different seasons, kind of crops, and type of soil.
IRRIGATION SOURCES:  underground wells, canals, rivers, reservoirs, ponds, and lakes.
  1. a) Sprinkler system: The sprinkler system is helpful on uneven land, which consist of fewer water supplies. In this, the water is distributed to the plants using pipe lines connected to a central location within the area of the field. When the water is distributed to flow under high-pressure level with the help of a water pump, it gets sprinkled completely over the crops.

  1. b) Drip system: Drip system delivers water near or at the roots of plants, drop by drop. This method of irrigation is more efficient as there Is no wastage of water at all (ie) water is conserved. This method is more important in areas where there is a lack of water and where there is a demand for water.

  1. If maize Is sown in the kharif season, what would happen?
If maize is sown in the Kharif season (ie)  June – October,  then the full crop area gets completely  destroyed because of factors like
  • lack of optimum temperature,
  • adaptability,
  • availability of pests, etc.
This season includes the rainy season too since it requires more sunlight which is not favorable for the growth of maize crop. Therefore, maize crop should not be sown during this season.

  1. Explain the effects of continuous plantation of crops in a field.
This makes the soil poor in certain nutrients such as
  • nitrogen,
  • phosphorus,
  • potassium, etc.
Plants require good nutrients for their proper growth and functioning activities. When a farmer continuously grows crops one after the other instantly, then all nutrients available in the soil gets reduced  (ie) there will not be sufficient amount of nutrients, and the total crop production or the yield gets reduced automatically. The soil requires certain time interval to regain its nutrients. Once the soil is ready with its nutrients nourished completely, the farmer can start the next crop.

  1. Define weeds and mention their controlling methods.
 ANS :
Unwanted plants that grow together with the main crops are called as weeds. The process of removing (or) disposing of these weeds is said to be weeding. E.g  Xanthium, Parthenium. Weeds grow along with the crops competing with them for light and good nutrients.  Due to this, the main crop plants gets fewer nutrients, light and space for their growth. (ie) the total nutrient is shared among the unwanted weeds. This reduces the yield of the crop. Various methods of weeding are carried out. The commonly carried out methods of weeding are as follows:

(I)           The weeds can be completely controlled by the usage of weedicides which is a powerful chemical sprayed on the crops in the fields to destroy all the unwanted weeds. This chemical is not toxic to the crops.
(II)          The tilling process that takes place before the sowing of crops helps in the removal of unwanted weeds. It is good to remove the weeds before the production of flowers and the seeds.
(III)         Removal of weeds manually takes place through khurpi which involves regular cutting of weeds or uprooting weeds which are closer to the ground.

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